jueves, 27 de marzo de 2014

Ok this is off topic but its still very important to the cultural enterntainment industry ...
I am a 32 years old Video gamer, and quite proud of it.

Im not the classic stereotype of videogamer but i manage to enjoy from time to time some quality video games on my PS3, Im not a Fan boy so i dont care if Sony, microsoft or nintendo.
I think they are all great but im not rich so I have the PS3 since the exclusives make me decide it so...
I had the XBOX 360 before twice and a few years back also the original wii...
when I need extra cash I just sell them and travel a while !!!

I feel this generation is a SCAM !!!!
Since you can get the same graphics with a 400$ pc !!!
And whats worse, I cant REALLY see the real benefits graphically !!!!

I remeber When they showed for the first time Watch Dog I was Amazed,
Also I recall the Star wars game that seems to not gonna come out anymore...

I understood later this was not the PS3 or Xbox one hardware demostration ...

I think that Sony & Microsoft kinda understood how hard it is to try to get the best hardware performance and kinda tryed this generation to be more or less the same, and they DID !!!!!

What a SCAM !!!